Siena DJ on Stern
88.3 DJ Strips on Stern Show?: A reader writes in to tell me about Oksana Kehoe, a Russian model/DJ who lives in Albany and was on the Howard Stern Show Wednesday morning. You can listen to her full Stern interview here. As recapped in the Stern database:
Oksana was telling Howard about a radio show she has on 88.3 in the Albany, New York area. She does it for people of Russian descent up there. She said there are about 15,000 people in the area that might listen to the show. Robin wondered if she does her show in English. She said she does.
After chatting about her show, Oksana proceeded to take her clothes off:...that led to her taking off her top to show the guys what she had. Howard said they were small but perfect. He said he had no idea that she was going to take her clothes off for them. She asked that she be able to plug her web site before taking her top off.
A quck perusal of Oksana's website does indicate she's got a radio show on 88.3 (6-7am, Sundays), but over at the website of WVCR, there's no indication that she actually has a show at that time, or even works for them. So I dunno. P.S. The best part of the Stern interview begins at 2:20 on the audio tape. Howard is asking her what her radio show is about. She answered that she interviews Albany celebrities. When pressed by a dumbfounded Howard to name these celebrities who live in Albany, she replies, "Jim Coyne!" P.P.S. I'm not sure if this is considered a scandal at Siena, I know they've had their battles with the radio station there before... P.P.P.S. Speaking of scandal, did anyone notice the $1.3 million that Siena got in that new highway transportation bill. I wonder who it is over there that has McNulty's ear. P.P.P.P.S. You know who could use a good scandal over at Siena right now - Fran McCaffrey. Too bad for him this is too little, too early, to knock him off the hot seat this fall.