Deepthroat?: A slimy new source in the Giesel case is claiming inside infomation and naming names. We can't endorse the outing of vicitms or in any way verify the information, but how can we resist passing it along when he/she is claiming Oh, SmAlbany!'s coericion theory was correct: it was blackmail! P.S. He/she also verifies that Giesel was buying them booze! Another accurate forecast for Oh, SmAlbany! P.P.S Is this the new model for anonymous news leaks - open a blogger account? It looks like it!
Wow. Sounds lately like somebody's been reading Albany Eye.
At 1:14 PM ,
It's funny you say that - I have been reading Albany Eye since I discovered it, i think it's fantastic wit and great insight. I've definitely been influenced by aspects of his/her style, hopefully for the btter. But i tend to pick my blog topics for the day prior to looking at it or any other blog sites. I actually got the Geisel link in my email this morning. One other overlapping story we ran was the porco house sale, which i posted first.
And i try not to simply repeat story angles that are already out there, although i'm certainly guilty of it at times.I try to give credit as much as possible when other bloggers inpire me - like when I hat-tipped Albany eye for using the "Joe Namath" angle on Geisel.
At 1:36 PM ,
My bad...sorry, dude.
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